Discovering Our Past :: Archaeological Dolmens of Antequera

Located in the heart of Andalusia (between Seville and Granada), the The Antequera Dolmens is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

The complex contains three megalithic monuments: the Menga and Viera dolmens and the Tholos of the Romeral.

The Viera Dolmen is a corridor tomb consisting of a long passage divided into two sections, at the end of which there is a square chamber entered through a square door cut into the first stone.

The Dolmen of Menga is is a megalithic burial mound called a tumulus, a long barrow form of dolmen, dating from the 3750-3650 BCE approx.

It’s one of the largest known ancient megalithic structures in Europe and is 27.5 meters (90 ft) long, 6 meters (20 ft) wide and 3.5 meters (11 ft) high.

It is a large oval-shaped chamber that forms a covered gallery that gets narrower at the entrance.

The Antequera Dolmens Site was on our way to Granada and a must-see! It transports you back thousands of years and represents one of the most valuable prehistoric places in Andalusia.
Disclosure: Burbs2Abroad traveled to the above location as guests and was not compensated for this review. As always, our opinions are our own.)
Time of Year Visited: June 2019
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