Tag Archives: Spain

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Back in June/July of 2019, we spent roughly 3 weeks (20 days) traversing Southern Spain (Andalusia) and Portugal. Below is an itinerary to jumpstart your own Spanish and Portuguese adventures! MADRID, SPAIN (2-3 Days)Madrid is truly a city full of life and culture. Honestly, we really didn’t give ourselves enough time to explore this historic […]

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Gibraltar is an extremely unique place. With a quirky melting pot of Spanish, English, and North African cultures, it’s hard not to resist popping on over into Britain’s overseas territory of Gibraltar, when in Southern Spain. And there are likely few places in the world that you enter by walking across an airport runway to […]

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Europe is full of some of the most elegant, colorful, and unique streets in the world. Some are heavily explored but others are hidden gems. Sit back and enjoy a stroll down some of the prettiest streets we’ve explored during our travels. 

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Over the last few decades Marbella has come a long way since its humble beginnings as a small fishing village and now a popular holiday destination for the rich and famous. Located in the Costa del Sol, Marbella became home base for 5 days during our stay in the Andalucia area. Here are a few […]

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Unfortunately, our kids are not as adventurous when it comes to eating…actually they are downright P-I-C-K-Y.  Truthfully, our son has been diagnosed with a food sensory disorder (also has nut allergies) and he despises certain textures and odors. Definitely makes traveling stressful at times. Nevertheless, we do our best and tend to grab street food […]

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The Alhambra, a 14th-Century Palace and fortress in the hills of Granada, is a must-see during any visit to the Andalusia region in Southern Spain.  The name Alhambra, signifying in Arabic “the red,” is probably derived from the reddish color of the tapia (rammed earth) of which the outer walls were built. The Alhambra is […]

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Located in the heart of Andalusia (between Seville and Granada), the The Antequera Dolmens is a UNESCO World Heritage site.  The complex contains three megalithic monuments: the Menga and Viera dolmens and the Tholos of the Romeral.  The Viera Dolmen is a corridor tomb consisting of a long passage divided into two sections, at the […]

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