Tag Archives: Travel Chat

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After decades of planning our family trips and helping friends out, I’m finally selling my travel itineraries on Etsy! Check back because I’m working on many more.

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Capturing wonderful family moments has always been very important to me. So, I arranged to have Flytographer photograph our family during our visit. Our photographer used history and humor to engage our kids, while navigating us through the tight picturesque streets and squares of Bogotá.  So very grateful to show our kids this great big […]

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Unlike the cuisine of other countries, Colombian fare can be broken down into six distinctive regional cooking styles: Amazonian, Andean, Caribbean, Insular, Orinoco and Pacific. As the capital city, Bogotá captures elements from all these regional cuisines to create a dining scene full of wonderful dishes and drinks. Here are a few you must try! […]

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We just spent a fabulous spring break in Bogotá, Colombia! Here is an introductory to our first time in South America. For several decades, Colombia was written off as a tourist destination. A violent communist insurgency, crippled political authority, horrific corruption and a billion-dollar cocaine trade left the country too dangerous for families venture.  But […]

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Europe is full of some of the most elegant, colorful, and unique streets in the world. Some are heavily explored but others are hidden gems. Sit back and enjoy a stroll down some of the prettiest streets we’ve explored during our travels. 

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Unfortunately, our kids are not as adventurous when it comes to eating…actually they are downright P-I-C-K-Y.  Truthfully, our son has been diagnosed with a food sensory disorder (also has nut allergies) and he despises certain textures and odors. Definitely makes traveling stressful at times. Nevertheless, we do our best and tend to grab street food […]

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Scandinavia experiences harsh and cold winters—roughly 6 hours of daylight in December! However, shoulder-seasons offer incredible deals on airfare/hotels, fewer crowds and we wouldn’t have to deal with our cranky kids complaining over the sweltering heat. Always looking for a bargain, we jumped on the opportunity to explore Stockholm during spring break and fearlessly braved […]

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Each year we like to take our kids to visit a new part of the world to introduce them to a new culture and different way of living. We try our best to immerse ourselves into the local community, shopping at the corner store, dining at neighborhood cafes, overall trying not to feel like a […]

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As I mentioned in our Ireland Itinerary for Families post, traveling through Ireland by car gave our family the freedom and flexibility to take in the breathtaking countryside views and explore ancient magical castles. While it can be a daunting, renting and driving a car in foreign country, with a little preparation, knowledge and understanding […]

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If you are looking for an adventure where you can learn about history, dine on amazing food, and view the Emerald Isle’s most stunning scenery, look no further than Ireland! For a unique experience that is not limited to a specific city, rent a car and prepare for breathtaking views as you drive from Dublin […]

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Nothing beats a fantastic view from an airplane window seat: Do you have a favorite photo from a window seat? We love to connect with others, so feel free to leave us a comment below and share your experiences! Save Save Save Save Save

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With two young kids and an active outdoor lifestyle, finding the perfect baby carrier was extremely important. The right carrier is quite personal, but found the Kelty carrier to be versatile, safe, lightweight, durable, and brimming with features. For six years, and two kids, it has been a key piece of equipment on our adventures. […]

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